Friday, 15 April 2011

More off-camera flash and dog walks in County Durham.

Dog portraiture in the North East by Jamie Emerson at Hairy Dog Photography.  Strobist photography techniques applied to dog photography.  Covering Durham, Sunderland and Newcastle.

Following on from Wednesday's off-camera flash testing, the iShoot Sniper radio flash-triggers came out on yesterday's walk.  We parked up at Sunderland Bridge, a sleepy little village just South of Durham, and walked out into the rural idyll that is the Weardale way.  The section we were walking follows the River Wear - the return journey is a footpath on the opposite bank.

Kasper has learnt to be incredibly patient.  As soon as he sees the camera gear coming out, he hunkers down in preparation for a lengthy wait.

No flash here - just a snap of the path and the arches of the railway bridge beyond....

After crossing the river, we began the return leg.  Stopped after catching a glimpse of something extraordinarily blue on the far bank.  Opened the flask and waited - sure enough - a kingfisher!  Several times it flitted up and down the river and returned to the safety of a huge overhanging bush.  I'm guessing it has a nest in there - may have to go back with the long lens.  Nothing can prepare you for the magic of seeing a wild kingfisher!  As an aside, all these pics were shot using a 35mm lens for the sake of weight and simplicity.

The sun shone, the iShoot Sniper radio triggers behaved impeccably, Kasper behaved reasonably and what a cracking walk it was - definitely one to do again very soon!

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